Final Research Paper Guidelines Length: 3-4 pages (not including Works Cited page) in MLA format Topic: Freedom You will watch a documentary called Freedom: Are You a Freedom Seeker? This film is about a personal quest for freedom that doesn’t stop with easy answers. “Freedom is getting to know yourself for who you really are and waking up every day knowing that you’re going to create what’s going to happen to you.” You will also read The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz. The author provides four life agreements to help others live in “heaven” on earth by simply following the agreements. In addition, practicing these four agreements will help you reach enlightening freedom. After watching the documentary and reading the practical guide of agreements, what is an issue you want to explore in human behavior that needs to change in order for others to create the life they dream of? Below is an example of how to draft a research paper. 1. The documentary will talk about several of topics regarding freedom and how society is operated. The foundation of this essay is freedom. Find a topic you care about from the documentary or relating to. Then, ask yourself a question that you want to answer: I am studying the problem of ______ because I want to find out what? why? how? in order to help my reader understand my point of view. ***Remember: what grabs a reader is a problem that NEEDS a solution. *** 2. For a concrete example, you will use any true event from any medium such as newspapers, websites, journals, etc. of what is currently happening in the world. In one body paragraph, make sure to explain the event. And followed by other paragraphs, you will prove/argue or even be neutral to the readers your solution using the Four Agreements. You may add personal examples, incidents, and/or opinions but only in one body paragraph. Altogether, four sources are required. They are as followed: 1. The Four Agreements (required) 2. Freedom: Are You A Freedom Seeker? (required) 3. An event from any medium you choose (optional) +2 outside sources from researching (required) 3. Back up your ideas and examples using the sources. You must use at least two of the agreements and three outside sources. 4. Make sure your focus is narrow. Use the five W’s to help narrow your topic. Instead of focusing on being treated unfairly in school, focus on bullying. (If you write about the whole documentary, it would be too broad. Focus on one pixel in a picture frame.) 5. When you research your topic, set out to detect any as follows: contradictions, inconsistencies, incomplete explanations and illogical, misleading or fallacious reasoning. You can find this on pages 203-204 in BOG. You will address and use these to help your argument. Find an opposition while researching and then argue against the arguments one by one to better prove to your readers why your point of view is correct in at least one to two body paragraphs. 6. Be prepared to revise your original “claim” as you get near the end of your paper. Ask yourself if/when you arrive at this unanticipated claim, what new questions that claim might answer. In other words, CLEARLY STATE YOUR THEORY. 7. You can open your research paper with any below: a.) a striking quotation (it can be a quote from an event) b.) with a striking fact c.) with a relevant anecdote 8. Ensure to offer some indication of the organization throughout the research paper. Transitional sentences will help. 9. The rest of your essay solves the PROBLEM you have presented. You will present the idea that your readers will pay a COST if the problem is not solved, but they will gain BENEFITS (Freedom) if the problem is solved per your suggestions. This is your purpose. 10. You will construct a conclusion that restates your claim and why it’s important to humanity on a global scale and/or even individually. Simply, remind the readers how important it is to practice the solutions. By December 7th, you will submit a 1 page synopsis of your research topic and introduce your research question. Explain your position and why you decided on this topic. Below is the synopsis that I submitted, most of these are ideas I copied online. Nobody’s perfect, so give up trying to be one. My research is on the study of the human behavior regarding perfectionism. It is very important that as humans, to acknowledge the fact that we are just perfect the way we are. Striving to be flawless in everything can actually hinder our growth as a person. It’s an unhealthy endeavor to make your work impeccable in order to earn approval and acceptance from others. Perfectionism is based on the false belief that if we do things perfectly, we can avoid failure. People need to recognize the distinct difference between giving your best and trying to be perfect. Ask yourself if spending the extra time will make an equivalent difference to your success in the long run. Always favor progress over perfection. Personally agree to this, “Perfectionism is not a quest for the best. It is a pursuit of the worst in ourselves, the part that tells us that nothing we do will ever be good enough – that we should try again.” ~Julia Cameron Studies suggest that anxiety over making mistakes may ultimately be holding some perfectionists back from ever achieving success in the first place. Here’s the tricky thing about perfection, it can be easily confused with striving for high standards of achievement. But there is a difference. Striving for excellence motivates you to achieve more. It acts as your cheerleader, who nourishes your self-esteem and reminds you that you are enough. Conversely, perfectionism is like a bully who leaves you feeling defeated and drained. It reminds you that nothing is good enough and that you have to constantly prove your worth to the world in order to feel successful. Which mode of living do you operate by? If it’s perfectionism, this mode of living could be seriously holding you back. Perfection does not exist, so stop letting it run your life. When you stop trying to be perfect and instead strive for improvement, you give yourself permission to focus on what is working well, versus what is not working. Drop the unrealistic expectations. This mindset will only cause you to have unnecessary stress, anxiety, and fear of failure.