The paper should be 2500 words long, papers outline: research question: How did Turkey implement and use the export-led growth strategy? Outline 1. Introduction – Define Export-Led Growth in general – How it effects countries in general – This paper will focus on how Turkey supported their exports by implementing export 2. Body Paragraphs – Turkish manufacturing before post-1980 export-led growth policies. – The shift from import-substitutionist development strategy to export-led growth approach. – Why did they do so? – restore current account balance – lower inflation rate – reduce public sector deficit – increase growth rate (which turned to negative in the late 70s) – Effects of changes in export performance and import penetration on value added – Benefits from external opening and increasing exports: – increased imports were supposed to put a downward pressure on mark up ratios which would induce a decline in sectoral inflation rates, improving customer welfare. – productivity gains through: – economies of scale – increased R&D activities stimulated by increased competition – positive externalities – Increased exports were expected to encourage higher demand for labour considering the labour intensive nature of manufacturing industries in developing countries. 3. Conclusion main points to concentrate on: – what are the policies and their applications? – what are the policies that aim to increase exports? – focus on a specific period … post 1980 – MAIN POINT concentrate on the sector that had the greatest effect on improving the exports.