The essay should be 6-8 pages in length, use 12-point font and standard margins, and contain a bibliography. There is a handout on the course website “Writing a Good Social Science Paper” which details the appropriate format for this assignment. Papers which lack an identifiable thesis statement within the introduction, fail to integrate course readings effectively and/or rely on lecture slides will be penalized. Please keep in mind that while you can use current events material to supplement your discussion of course readings, you DO NOT need outside materials for this assignment. We will grade whatever you have submitted at the time of the deadline, so please make sure you have uploaded the correct copy of your midterm because once the deadline hits, we cannot clear the submission. Barring a documented emergency, no late papers will be accepted. Additionally, we will not entertain ANY late requests which we are not made aware on the day the paper is due. Please be advised that barring notification of a outage verified by ACMS, an inability to submit the midterm before the due date due to a) failing to hit submit, b) slow internet connection/upload, c) not recognizing that the submission did not go through, etc., is not considered an emergency which would justify an extension, so please plan accordingly.