. Please use one (or more, if you are curious) of the following screening tools to assess your personal cancer risk (see links below). Although you do not need to tell me the specific details of your results, you will need to discuss your results in general terms in your short paper (2-3 pages maximum, 1 1/2 spacing) on personal cancer risk. a. Paper prompts: i. Did you expect the results your found? What did you expect to be different? Were you surprised? Why or why not? ii. What (if anything) can you do to decrease risk? Is this something you are willing to do? Why or why not? 2. Please follow the instructions below, complete the worksheet, and use it to guide your paper. Include this worksheet with your paper. a. Work sheet application i. Use the worksheet to help you answer the previous questions and perhaps trigger other questions or topics you would like to address. ii. Use the SMART goals to pick 3 behaviors you might change. 3. Please reference APA style in text and on your reference list. https://www.cancer.org/healthy/tools-and-calculators https://siteman.wustl.edu/prevention/ydr/ www.cancer.gov/about-cancer/causes-prevention/risk/obesity/physical-activity-fact-sheet Preventing Cancer and Detecting It Early as a College Student Purpose College students are not immune to a cancer diagnosis. Although most cancers take many years to develop, some cancers affect the traditional college-age population, and early detection is the key to an increased survival rate. Also, many lifestyle behaviors, if adopted in college, can help prevent the onset of cancer. In this lab, you will evaluate how well you are doing in terms of the lifestyle behaviors that can help prevent some cancers. Instructions 1. In the following table, review the list of behaviors related to cancer prevention and put a check mark next to those in which you currently engage. Then circle the behaviors that you would like to adopt in the near future as achievable prevention techniques