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Peer 1
PICOT Question
Can wellness holistic methods including consistent assessment surveys between the provider and patient’s participation in physical activities, artistic expression, and mindfulness be incorporated into an adolescent’s routine care to reduce suicide attempts and casualties instead of relying on solely routine physical health check-ups and a mental health intervention only when a problem presents?
Behavioral Observation and Statistical Analysis Instruments
An instrument is a device selected by the researcher to measure a specific variable (Gray et al, 2016). The variable in the proposed study is suicide attempts. The instrument of measurement for measuring suicide attempts will be behavioral observation through statistical analysis of whether or not an adolescent had attempted suicide with the proposed intervention of consistent assessment surveys between the provider and patient’s participation in physical activities, artistic expression, and mindfulness be incorporated into an adolescent’s routine care and comparing that result with adolescent suicide attempts without intervention. Data collected with measurement devices range from the nominal level through the ratio level of measurement (Gray et al, 2016). The proposed qualitative study would result in real numbers and a ratio level of measurement with an infinite array of possible values (Gray et al, 2016). The variables would measure whether or not a suicide attempt occurred and not consider the number of attempts since the interventions.
Gray, J., Grove, S. & Sutherland, S. (2016). Burns and Grove’s The Practice of Nursing Research: Appraisal, Synthesis, and Generation of Evidence. (8th ed.). Elsevier – Health Sciences Division. ISBN: 9780323377584
Peer 2
The measurement instrument that will be adopted to address patient perspectives on Nurse Practitioner quality, access, and cost-effectiveness most efficiently is a subject-competed questionnaire. The questionnaire will be designed to obtain specific information from each participant in regard to their own experiences with Nurse Practitioner led primary care, with a specific focus on access, quality, and costs. The questionnaire method will help to diminish bias as opposed to interviewing and can be distributed in various ways to a large sample. Utilizing computer-based questionnaires participants can complete the questionnaire online and data can be stored immediately, further minimizing data entry errors and facilitating quicker more easily analyzable data. A second-level ordinal scale will be utilized to depict the order of variables. The Likert scale in particular will be utilized to determine the opinions and attitudes of participants in terms of their experiences with nurse practitioner-led care. Four response categories will be included with each response assigned a value: most negative valued at a 1 and most positive valued at a 4. For my particular study, agreement, evaluation, and frequency responses will be addressed. An even number will be implemented to avoid a “neutral” response and the possibility of participants avoiding a clear answer whether it be negative or positive, and rather force a choice. A data collection plan will be developed. Data collection procedures will include the development of a 15-item questionnaire with specifications on the essential content to be covered, with a focus on the minimum educational level necessary for the participant population. A 6th-grade reading level will be implemented. A literature review will be conducted to compare and explore already implemented questionnaires addressing the same or similar research topic to form appropriate questions. Clear questionnaire instructions will also be developed to convey how to accurately respond to each question. Participants will then be selected based on the necessary criteria, and permission will be acquired. Participants will then be instructed on how and when to complete the questionnaire, based on their experiences with a nurse practitioner provider for the course of 1 year. The questionnaire will be offered in the clinical setting at a computer that is available to the participant with assistance or the option to be completed in another location without any assistance. Implementation of a pilot study is ideal in order to identify potential problems and adequate sample size.
Gray, J., Grove, S. & Sutherland, S. (2016). Burns and Grove’s The Practice of Nursing Research: Appraisal, Synthesis, and Generation of Evidence. (8th ed.). Elsevier – Health Sciences Division. ISBN: 9780323377584