Refer to at least three of the learning resources for the week in your response to one or more of the questions below. Include specific examples from your life, history, the news, or the media.
- Why do legal protections for women’s employment rights continue to be an issue? Why isn’t women’s legal access to employment a sufficient victory?
- How do laws protecting women in the workplace benefit society as a whole?
- What factors keep men and women segregated into “masculine” and “feminine” jobs? Why do you think these divisions persist? What does it take to turn a job into a gender-neutral one? Can you think of any examples of where this has happened?
- Is Affirmative Action policy still needed? If so, how would you administer it fairly? If not, which of the reasons for its creation do you think are no longer valid?
- Why does unpaid domestic labor fall so unequally to women? Why is this a problem? Can you suggest some solutions?
- Why are so many women involved in part-time work? How could part-time or home-based work be made more equitable for women? What conditions need to exist before women are able to make a genuine choice between part-time vs. full-time labor?
- Why does it matter if women are in executive positions in business or not?
- How does the #MeToo movement fit into discussions about women’s equality in the workforce? Here are a few articles that will help you get caught up on this recent movement. If you respond to this question, refer to at least one of our assigned learning resources for the week in addition to any references to the articles below:
#MeToo is at a crossroads in America. Around the world, it’s just beginning. [Washington Post, 2020]
Harvey Weinstein’s Conviction Shows How Cultural Change Is Reshaping the Criminal Justice System [The New York Times, 2020]
Where #MeToo Came From, and Where It’s Going: The movement is moving the culture beneath the law of sexual abuse [The Atlantic, 2019]
“The ‘Click’ Moment: How the Weinstein Scandal Unleashed a Tsunami” [The New York Times, 2018]
References: Use APA parenthetical citations in your text and include a reference list at the end of your post. When you refer to and/or discuss any resources, you need to include a citation for that source, such as: (Braincraft, 2015).
A lot of you focused on women in the arts in your discussions.. If you did not take a look at the link on the Judy Chicago exhibit, I highly recommend it. One of my favorite museums to visit is the National Museum of Women in the Arts. Currently it is difficult to visit places in person. The museum has created a few online exhibits. To see them go to their website
Marriage was one of the concepts that we talked about a great deal this week. I posted some of these citations a few times but I wanted to share them. Some of the best work on marriage and family has been done by historian Stephanie Coontz. Below I list a couple of her books as well as links to some of her talks on youtube.
Youtube presentations
And finally books- I really like these because they are packed with information but extremely easy to read so they are accessible for everyone not just academics
Coontz, Stephanie. The Way We Never Were : American Families and the Nostalgia Trap. New York, NY :BasicBooks, 2000.
Coontz, S. (2005). Marriage, a history: From obedience to intimacy or how love conquered marriage. New York: Viking