Before you write your research paper topic proposal, read this helpful information. Then review the Research Paper Assignment on the syllabus to be sure you are gathering the correct sources. Before you begin brainstorming about topics, remember that your final product will be judged on how well you succeed in producing a well thought out, clear paper which shows you can interpret and intelligently discuss the issue and how well you can back-up your findings with evidence. If you can’t find sufficient sources you may have to rethink your subject. If you are taking a course in your major this semester, you can research a topic for that course (with my permission and the other professor’s.) See me about the submission form. When finding sources, avoid “old “stuff,” such as McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Science and Technology, Magill’s Survey of Science: Life Science Series, Encyclopedia of Computer Science and Technology, American Medical Association Encyclopedia of Medicine. Encyclopedias should not be your main sources, but can give you good background information and clarify concepts. Approach: Your paper does not have a chance to be substantive unless you have substantive sources. Out of the 3 to 5 you find for your proposal, you should have viable Internet sites including professional journal articles and professional publications, and possibly (but not required) an interview. It is a balancing act to find sources that you can understand – that relate to your level of study in your discipline, and, at the same time, challenge you intellectually. Be prepared at all times to show me your sources. Keep good notes. Be sure you have records on the title of the article, the title of the journal, the author/s names, date of publication, page numbers and other information required on your reference page and in your in-text citation, plus the key points from the source. Identify whether you are paraphrasing or quoting.] Below is the format for your Research Paper Proposal. I must approve your topic and sources. Fortunately, most students do their own work. For anyone tempted to pass off someone else’s work as his or her own, I am a sophisticated user of the Internet and can easily spot papers gotten from paper mills, Internet or otherwise. Please do not jeopardize your college career or your grade in this class by using papers that are not written by you.] Here is a Proposal Template. Your actual document should be between 1and 2 pages and submitted as a word.doc via email to me.