1. Create an introduction to your report by stating the date and location of the concert. Name the performer, and describe the setting of the stage etc. What is the general mood of the audience before the concert begins?
2. Choose any piece from the first half of the concert that was of particular interest to you. Describe the music by discussing the instrumentation, the melody, and the other materials of music e.g. rhythm, harmony, texture, etc. Discuss your response to this music (intellectually and/or emotionally). Was the music pleasing, annoying, intriguing etc.? What sounds did you hear in the music that evoked your response?
3. Choose any two movements from the Prokofiev that you would like to discuss. Describe each movement (as in question two).
4. Discuss how David Jalbert interacted with the audience. Did he speak about his career or the pieces he performed? What information did you get from him during the concert?
5. What was your overall impression of this concert? If you had to choose a favorite piece which one is at the top of your list? Did you learn anything new about the piano? Do you think this concert will affect the way you listen to music in the future? Note: Answer each question with one paragraph. Each paragraph should be roughly the same length (paragraphs 1 and 5 could be slightly shorter than the others) . Be sure that your total word count does not exceed 800 words.