the essay should include the following points. 1. When was the drug approved for sale by the FDA? 2. What company received approval for marketing the drug? 3. (the focus of this paper should be on point #3) What is the mechanism of action of the drug? Be specific and inclusive supporting statements with data on binding and selectivity against other receptor subtypes. You will need to include these data to receive full credit. You should briefly discuss the relevance of any values, e.g. KA with regards to your description of the MOA. The grade will largely be determined by the information provided for point #3, along with an assessment of the overall essay structure, syntax and grammar. You should plan on including at least 8 primary references and no more than 1 or 2 secondary or tertiary references. Do not exceed two pages should contain appropriate references in AMA format. The text should be double spaced (1.5 OK as well), in font no larger than 12 pt. nor smaller than 10 pt