This is an assignment that consist 2 parts,because to due date is different i will order it as 2 order but same writer. I NEED ONLY ONE PAGE FOR ANNOTATED BILI. right now you need to finsih the Annotated Bibliography (5% of Course grade) – due Thursday, Nov. 8th: You will compile a list of five (5) scholarly sources related to your essay question. If you are unsure what constitutes a scholarly source, ask your TA or check out McMaster Library’s video tutorials. Once you have found your five sources, organize them into a reference list in which you cite each source in proper APA format. Then, below each citation, write a short paragraph that summarizes the source and explains why it is relevant to your research. While you are not necessarily expected to have read each source in its entirety, you must show that you are familiar with its main argument(s) and have thought about how it will be helpful as you write your paper. This part of the assignment will be graded based on how well you meet both of these requirements, as well as whether your citations are in correct APA format. this is the topic.”A popular cliché about contemporary globalization is that it is creating a “borderless” world. But we have seen that, in reality, things are significantly more complicated than that. Using examples from the course and your own independent research, discuss the changing nature of borders with respect to the various flows of capital, goods, ideas, information, and people that characterize globalization today.”