Description Write a research report with an introduction, methods, results, discussion and conclusion discussing the observable changes in vegetation for the pre and post-fire images, and determine together the potential causes of change between the aerial map taken in 2007 called “Serrano Vegetation Map 2007” and file name “Map 2” taken in 2018 of the site study Serrano Valley California. The paper should be base towards answering these two questions in a brief discussion: 1. Your critique of the alliance mapping process. How different were the alliance maps by creating your own polygons shown in the attached file “Map 2”? Does having different groups visually drawing their own conclusion to classify reliable vegetation base on the results? 2. Which vegetation alliances (or species) were generally identified from the group map “Map 2” and the vegetation species that recover quickly after a fire to increase and those that recover slowly, or by seed, to decrease? And pick one vegetation by explaining why it didn’t regrow after the fire?