Research Component: This argumentative/analytical work will be based on the Outline Below.
You can of course change details and evidence as needed, though not the topic. It needs to be 6 pages long. 6 sources from any legitimate mainstream book, journal article, periodical, or newspaper (in that order of importance). No dictionaries or encyclopedias, especially Wikipedia. cite a source using the APA Style for anything that is not common knowledge, let alone if you quote from it. Use standard formatting (double-spaced, 12-point Times or Times New Roman, normal margins, page numbering, etc.). Do not do a Title Page or sub-headings. Do a Works Cites section (which will not count for length).
The unbelievable Modell Deutschland
Thesis: After World War II Germany was divided and destroyed, and after an enormous desire of position themselves at the vanguard of the global economies, and this is how The German Federal Republic obtained the “Wirtschaftswunder.”
I. What is the Modell Deutschland?
A. Walter Eucken
i. Response to Walter Eucken vanguardist vision
B. Ludwig Erhard
i. Erhard’s emergence.
ii. Implementation of new currency
II. Post WWII Germany’s resurrection.
A. Marshall Plan
B. Germany’s economic miracle
C. Economic development and the social equilibrium
D. Social’s free market
III. Divided Germany
A. East Germany Vision
I. Who conformed East Germany?
II. East Germany political and economic status
B. West Germany Vision
I. Who conformed West Germany?
II. West Germany political and economic status
IV. It is Germany’s economy the correct model to follow.
A. Germany’s economic position in Europe.
B. Is Germany’s a global economic power.
C. It is this model Exportable or applicable to other countries?
Conclusion: Summarizing, the Modell Deutschland or the German economic model is settled at the components of determination that mold the social free market economy, but parallel to it, also implement a competition by policy among the states where is certify fairness and steer clear of monopoly, along the way this economic system or model must centered on ensuring prosperity and coordination with the state policy.
Works Cited
Charles Hauss (2014). Comparative Politics: Domestic Responses to Global Challenges 9th Edition.
No Autor (2012). The Economist: Modell Deutschland über alles (Germany’s economy). Retrieved by: Modell Deutschland über alles | The Economist (Links to an external site.).
Paul Lewis (1997). The New York Times: Germany as Locomotive. Retrieved by: Germany as Locomotive – The New York Times ( (Links to an external site.)
No Autor (2021). Planet explore video The Story of Germany – From the Ruins of World War II to a Global Economic Power. Retrieved by: The Story of Germany – From the Ruins of World War II to a Global Economic Power – YouTube
Wever, K.; Allen, C (1992). Is Germany a Model for Managers? Retrieved by Is Germany a model for managers? – PubMed (
Cassidy, N. (2011). German apprenticeships: A model for Europe? Retrieved by German apprenticeships: A model for Europe? – BBC News