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In this one-hour webinar, Aimee Moulin, MD, frames opioid use disorder (OUD) as a medical emergency and highlights the role emergency departments and other health care providers can play in helping patients start treatment for OUD. Dr. Aimee Moulin is an Emergency Physician and Assistant Residency Director at UC Davis, recent past president of Cal ACEP, and Co-Director of Emergency Department Services for the California Bridge Program. Strategies for connecting emergency services with ongoing community based-care will be discussed.
Why is this webinar important? While recent CDC data indicate the nationwide overdose death rate has started to decrease, California’s overdose death rate continues to climb. Opioid use itself can be lethal, especially with the increased mix of fentanyl, methamphetamine and other drugs. Life-saving treatments for OUD are highly underutilized throughout the treatment system. Physicians, nurse practitioners, and physician’s assistants have a crucial role to play in saving lives through participation in a more integrated network of care.
Please review the following objectives and articulate your understanding of each:
- Describe the rationale for starting treatment for opioid use disorder in the emergency department.
- Articulate your understanding of the two strategies that was use to improve the referral to treatment after opioid use is treated in an emergency department.
- Articulate your understanding of why an opioid use disorder should be considered a medical emergency and develop strategies to use mat in your practice setting.
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Race and Unequal Burden of Perioperative Pain and Opioid Related Adverse Effects in Children
Senthilkumar Sadhasivam, MD, MPH,a Vidya Chidambaran, MD,a Pornswan Ngamprasertwong, MD,aHope R. Esslinger, MPT,a Cynthia Prows, MSN, RN,b,c Xue Zhang, PhD, MSPH,b,d Lisa J. Martin, PhD,b,d andJohn McAuliffe, MD, MBAa
Interindividual variability in pain perception and analgesic response is a major problem in perioperative practice. Adult studies suggest pain management is influenced by patient’s race. The objective of this study is to evaluate the influence of race on perioperative pain treatment in children.
Please review the above article and articulate your learning experience. Make sure to include:
- Which Competencies are addressed in this module
- Student will discuss implications of this experience
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Addicted: America’s Opioid Crisis | Full Documentary
Full documentary exploring the depth of America’s opioid crisis and the role played by pharmaceutical giants.
- Articulate your understanding of Opioid Crisis
- Which Competencies are addressed in this video
- Student will discuss implications of this experience for their professional development
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Burnout and Turnover Intention Among Social Workers: Effects of Role Stress, Job Autonomy and Social Support
Hansung Kim, PhD, MSW Madeleine Stoner, PhD
Review the above article and articulate the following:
- Which Competencies are addressed in this article
- Student will discuss implications of this experience for their professional development
- Explain what new information was learned and what things will you put in place so that you don’t burnout.