Option 1 Scenario and Assignment
As a team of newly hired research assistants in the HR department of a medium-size clothing manufacturing company (you choose the company), your boss, Ms. Geminy Starling, has asked you to determine the best means of recruiting new employees, from advertising to hiring. Consider what other companies similar to yours are doing, assess the positives and negatives of each method, and offer the best recommendation to your department.
Write a report that first defines the problem, analyzes various methods used to recruit new employees, and then recommends the most appropriate and effective method(s) for your company. Support your conclusions and recommendations with secondary research (at least 3 journal articles and 2 Internet sources) and primary research (questionnaire).
Your primary audience will be Ms. Starling, director of HR. Your secondary audience company executive; your tertiary audience will be your co-workers.
Modified from: http://www.meguffey.com/personnel_ebc.html
Option 2 Scenario and Assignment
Your team members are the co-directors of training in the HR department of Future Now Technology, Inc., in Tranquil See, California. Your boss, Ms. Utopia Dringlesohn, director of HR, is concerned that many of the firm’s 2000 white-collar employees use their computers for hours each day but do not know how to touch- keyboard. He believes the hunt-and-peck method is inefficient and increases the possibility of making errors when inputting data, thus lowering reliability.
Mr. Buzzman has asked your team to recommend a software program that teaches users how to touch type. He requires a program that is Windows (PC)-compatible, geared to adults, educationally sound, and can be learned individually, without an instructor being present.
Identify and evaluate three to five keyboarding software programs that meet these criteria, and write a formal report recommending the best program. Justify your choice using primary (questionnaire) and secondary research (at least 3 journal articles and 2 World Wide Web sources).
Your primary audience will be MS. Dringlesohn. Your secondary audience will be company executives; your tertiary audience will be you co-workers.
In business, you will write a variety of reports, each having different purposes and audiences. Your Formal Report will offer you a variety of real-world writing scenarios (e.g., a proposal to build a restaurant; identify a problem and propose a solution for a small, local, privately owned business, etc.).
Please note that this assignment must have 6 parts: 1—Title Page
2—Table of Contents 3—Executive Summary 4—Main Body 4a—Introduction 4b—Background 4c—Discussion
(This segment will most likely be split up into different parts and maybe even sub-parts) 5—Conclusion and Recommendations
The project will require secondary (library, Web) and primary (questionnaire) research, and appropriate documentation. You are required to use (and cite) at least five secondary sources, documented using MLA style. The body of the report, not counting the supplemental material, must be at least four pages.
NOTE: Wikipedia is NOT a valid scholarly source; its use will severely hurt your grade. NOTE: Plagiarism will result in an automatic zero.
Evaluation Criteria
• Content: appropriate for the audience, complete (including visual aids, supplemental materials, findings, conclusion,
and recommendations), etc.
• Correctness/Style: correct punctuation, grammar, spelling, business style, etc.
• Organization: content flows logically, information is easy to find
• Documentation/Citations: required number of sources, correct documentation style
• Format: headings, paragraphing, line spacing, font type, page numbers, visual aids, etc.
• Document Parts: appropriate for the situation, formatted correctly, are all parts present